What is the difference between paper for self-rolling and paper in ordinary cigarettes

Not the Same Cigarette Paper?

Not the Same Cigarette Paper?

Not the Same Cigarette Paper?

Both are called cigarette paper, but they still have more differences than common.

Some smokers don’t even think about what cigarette paper might be.

As one of the few players manufacturing cigarette papers in China, Jinfeng can’t be more familiar with this question.

Now this article can answer this question.

Handmade Rolling Cigarettes

Handmade Rolling Cigarettes

First, hand-roll and finished cigarettes are different products.

Rolling cigarettes give freedom of choice: you can choose any tobacco, paper, filters, cigarette sleeves, and other accessories.

But you need patience to get a hand-rolled cigarette ready first when you want a puff.

Ordinary cigarettes are less personalized, but what you need is only ignite.

And this feature brings differences in

Shape and Size:

Rolling papers come in various sizes to accommodate different amounts of tobacco and the preferred size of the self-rolled cigarette.

In contrast, pre-packaged cigarettes have standardized sizes and shapes that are designed for mass production and a consistent smoking experience.

If you observe carefully, you can find another difference in


Rolling papers used for self-rolled cigarettes are typically thinner and more porous compared to the paper used in pre-packaged cigarettes.

That means the porosity of self-rolling cigarette paper is higher.

And Thinner rolling papers allow for better airflow and combustion when the cigarette is being smoked.

Jinfeng's cigarette paper production line

Jinfeng’s cigarette paper production line

Next, from the view of a paper manufacturer, these two types of cigarette paper have differences:

Additives and Flavor

Some rolling paper brands market their products as additive-free and unbleached, catering to consumers who prefer a more natural smoking experience.

On the other hand, pre-packaged cigarette papers may contain additives for various purposes, including enhancing flavor, maintaining moisture levels, and regulating the burn rate.

Chemical Treatment

Rolling papers for self-rolled cigarettes often go through less chemical processing than the paper used in manufactured cigarettes.

This is because pre-packaged cigarettes undergo more extensive processing to meet industry standards for burn consistency, ash production, and other factors.

Gum Line

Many rolling papers come with a gum line, a strip of adhesive that is used to seal the cigarette after rolling.

This adhesive is typically made from natural substances like gum Arabic or plant-based materials.

In contrast, pre-packaged cigarettes often use a more controlled and consistent method of sealing the paper around the tobacco, which might involve more synthetic adhesives.

rolling cigarette paper

rolling cigarette paper


For smokers,

Self-rolled cigarettes offer smokers the ability to customize the blend of tobacco and other additives, as well as the size and tightness of the roll.

This level of customization is not possible with pre-packaged cigarettes.

Even they can choose specific materials, such as rice paper, hemp paper, classic pulp paper, licorice paper, etc.

It seems that the paper performs only one function – it holds tobacco. And in cigarettes, perhaps it is. But rolling paper can perfectly complement the taste of any tobacco.

For example, to pacify strong tobacco a little, you can use thin paper, the burning temperature of which will be lower. And in order to “rake up” a self-rolling, it is better to use ordinary thick cellulose paper.


Last, the Packaging:

Rolling papers are often sold in booklets or packs, and users can tear off a sheet as needed. Pre-packaged cigarettes are usually sold in boxes with a fixed number of cigarettes.

Above are the differences I can figure out. If you have more opinions, be free to give any advice.

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